That’s Crazy!

I’m just going to say it.  Running around a one mile course over and over again is crazy.  Put that course on a fair ground in NJ, make sure it has no shade, add a rodeo to the center of it all, and put Mother Nature in a bad mood, and it is positively nuts. That’s exactly what my friends and I did, and I couldn’t be prouder of our accomplishments.

So, why did I do it? 

It’s not about the running.  Well, not as much as you might think.

I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 things Ultra Running has taught me:

1.   People who whine, tend not to finish.  Don’t whine, it accomplishes nothing.
2.   It’s a lot of work, but don’t forget to have fun
3.   Actually doing something pretty awesome beats the heck out of those pithy little inspirational 
      quotes you find on the Internet.
4.   It’s not about the finish line. 
5.   Mother Nature hates me.  Screw it, I’m running anyways.
6.   Never underestimate the power of rest and food.   They are my most powerful tools to keep      
      moving forward.
7.   Adapt.  Overcome.  Improvise.  Plan for plans to change
8.   Setbacks happen.  Relentless forward progress makes that ok
9.   Everyone struggles
10. Cupcakes are the best way on the planet to celebrate a personal victory

But, why did I do THIS run?  Why would I want to do 150 miles?  Perhaps another top ten list is in order…  I tried, but this is what came out instead.

Group texts…training runs…challenging my friends…my friends challenging me…registration options…upping my challenge by clicking a single box….Can I do this? ...Can I do more?...$88 airfare…friend who likes me more than chips…being picked up at the airport…Jersey Diners…hanging out….setting up camp….not sleeping…getting up too early…missing the start…mile 1…mile 2…mile 47…mile 106…mile 129…mile 149….running with friends….running alone…meeting strong people…meeting people who don’t know they are strong…hearing their stories…seeing world records being set…seeing personal records being set…DAVE and MICHELLE…Candy bars…Marco showing up…Marco showing up with NY pizza…Marco showing up with cupcakes…Marco showing up with Christmas lights for his tent, but only one pair of shorts…Marco at mile 149…Marco as Ultimate Camper…Marco’s wit…Marco’s passion for life…Avatar...miles alone with Marco…watching Marco run miles on his own terms…Marco with the hot dog….Marco wondering who changed his name to Meat Roll…Marco knowing what she said…Marco helping everyone…Ken letting me call him Russell…Everyone calling him Russell…Russell finding his inner child…Merit badges…CAR….FART…Russell having no limits…Glide…Accidentally something…Russell always wanting to make things better…Miles with Russell…that stupid pink thing he wore on his head…his glow….knowing he could do more….proud of what he did….his innocence…the silly way he wore his bib…celebrating mile 99…Peaser…so many miles with this man…reminds me this is fun…works his ass off…beer runs…knows everyone…Jim calling me his running wife…The way he calls me out…His challenges…Carrots are not veggie dogs…Music loud…Music off…That smile…Epsom Salts…he’s seen me cry…he doesn’t care…the sombrero…Seinfeld…Sets goals…reaches them…humble…hysterical…Kung Fu Santa…The sign with my name, so I don’t get lost…Everyone knowing my name because of the sign…I hate bacon…bacon at the aid station…the rodeo…the horses…the smells…fighter planes…skydivers…kettle korn…the rain…the heat…the fog…the storm…dysfunctional time roosters…the guy running for his mom…the obese woman pumping out a 50k…CLIFFIE!...Deb…Relish…Cliffie saying  “orgasm”…Mile 90…BEER MAN…FRAN AND JOE!!...Rick…Rick in a kilt…the bell…texts when I needed them…running pissed…running happy…walking…hiking poles…Wonder Woman…knots…Jammies….I love you…sharing all this…the stupid poncho…Thunder Buddies-for LIFE...running with an umbrella…sleeping but hearing runners…getting up…taking a break…picture of the kids…Nat texts oblivious to my running…Calling Noah into school…Funny Frog...progress at home…being thought of…getting a laugh…FD…NOT FD…Feeling tough…feeling weak…those last 12 miles…feet with heartbeats…smelly gear boxes…gear boxes with funny labels…Russell actually having gear…going further than I have…beating Ironman distance…funny farm…NO Bacon…bets are off…house fell on her…Rosie the Riveter…the buckle…the coin…time on the clock…not enough time on the clock…more than enough time on the clock…the aid station…oh wait, there’s a camera…the lap counter tv…cookies…fruit…the mister…the hill…rounding the corner to our tents…everyone’s there…break time…no one’s there…keep going….human spirit…overcoming adversity…Tough Cookie...Friends being at my finish...What’s your target?…How’s this mile?…Mission Accomplished.   

Call me crazy, but I do this because the memories will last so much longer than 150 miles.


  1. I miss this race so much.....great memories this race!!!! "you had me at Banana!!!"


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