Phunt-I Learned a Few Things

Sometimes, the race is not the hard part.   Sometimes it’s looking at every thing that may be challenging, and deciding that you’re going to take the risk.  
            With this race, the hardest part was getting there.   The weather report was looking rough and the course had to be changed last minute because it was not navigable.  I didn’t know if it would be cancelled, without warning, all together.   
            I was conflicted.   I was feeling like I was setting myself up for a big let down.  I didn’t want to set out only to throw my heart into it, and be disappointed.   Was it safer to just stay put?   How would I feel if I let this opportunity pass?   Would I get what I need out of it?  Would I be able to give it my all?  All questions that raced through my mind, while I looked for a solution.   Finally, I just had to firmly tell myself “Stop!  It’s okay.”  And then,  “Learn to quiet your thoughts”,   
It was in that moment of reflection that I realized that I have learned to push my body and I have learned to challenge my mind.   These are things that drive me.  I live for the challenge of both and crave the exploration of unique adventures that have become paramount in my life.    Sitting on the sidelines just would not do.  I would head out to the race.  I may not get there, and so be it, but I was going to commit to trying.   
          The ride was as rocky as I thought it would be.  Even with putting all the safety nets around myself that I could, I still hit unforeseen challenges.  About halfway into the drive, I realized that needed to learn patience.   I would get to enjoy what I love, but my best course of action was to take a time let the storm re-commit that this is what I wanted to do...and to find the best way to get to do it.   So, I stopped, turned off the car, and rested.  I took heed of the natural pause that was put in front of me. The storm would eventually lessen.   All storms do.   I wasn’t going to be headstrong and think I could just push harder and it would happen faster.  I needed to give the storm the time it needed.   I was going to let it take its natural course, and I would pick up and deal when conditions were more favorable.   I would learn to be patient.   
         Once I woke from my nap, I felt refreshed, and that I had made the right choice.   There was still a storm, and I would have to deal with the aftermath of the hardest impact, but I was able to move forward.   As much as I want to push my will, when it comes to Mother Nature, sometimes I have to learn to be obedient.   
         It took extra time, but I was able to make it to the race start.  The struggle made me realize that what lay ahead of me in the actual race is so less important than recognizing how badly I wanted to be in the race.   I wanted to be in the moment, and enjoy every step I could take.   I knew it was going to be rocky.  I knew I would I could come out bruised.   I knew I had no idea what the finish would look like, or if I would even get there, all I knew is that I wanted to be in it.   I wanted to continue on the path I started.   I learned that I earned my pleasure.  
         In the end, I survived the storm, and I got to race.  And, now, I’m lucky enough to share this with others.  I hope you find pleasure in my ramblings.   I know I grow from the experiences.   

I learned mostly, that it's about trust.   Trust that I’m on the right path.  Trust that those around me love, support, and want whats best for me.  Trust that storms will hit and storms will pass.  And, trust that I can’t control all that is in front of me, but I can commit to taking the risk.  


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